Roger Learmonth is long retired from the computer industry. He has four daughters from a few marriages and now lives with his wife Kathleen and youngest daughter in semi rural West Sussex. His youngest is developing into a bit of an autophile and often accompanies her dad on rallies and events associated with old cars.

You may already have discovered that he is an unreconstructed Petrolhead and has a specialist book on the topic to his credit. He started writing ‘stories’ some years ago but says he has written virtually nothing for the last two. He blames his latest block on a course taken at the University of Brighton, which he claims may have put him off forever.


The Strange Case of Cuthbert MacIntosh  (8,000 Words)

On his way to his car club’s annual bun fight and minding his own business, Terence Wilkinson gets caught up in the bizarre tale of an old acquaintance that completely lacks credibility, or does it?

Gulliver’s Travels (16,000 Words)

Poor old  Jonathan Gridley, long secret service operative, and committed desk wallah  finds himself on an uncomfortable mission in India, of all places. Near retirement he just wants to get home to a new life with the woman he loves but things don’t quite work out for him.

Sound of the Sea (1,800 Words)

An enthusiastic  idealist journalist meets , by chance, a childhood hero on an internal flight. He’s given a damming account of the man’s motive for a life of crime


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