E Type Series 1 Roadster
The yellow S1 is a relatively new edition to the fleet. A rather unintentional buy as I had decided to cheer myself up, around my birthday time, either with an XK120 fixed head or an S1 E Type. After a bit of investigation of both models, I found an excellent XK and so the idea of having an E was more or less abandoned.
However, trawling through the E Type want ads, just out of interest, I spotted what looked like a promising car. It’s interesting to note that from the many Es on the market I could find only half-a-dozen S1 4.2 litre roadsters. There were plenty of 3.8 cars and a lot of 4.2 fixed heads but as I say, very few 4.2 roadsters. I had already investigated three of the cars for sale and had been disappointed on each occasion. As the car in question was close to home, I didn’t think I had much to lose by taking a look.